"Ah...no...thanks," I stammered. Poor Wayne. It had to be a living nightmare!

Apparently, Rachel had enough evil fun and started to leave. But before going, she taunted, "Remember, dear, we're on page 64 tonight. DON'T think I won't check on you later!"

Once the door slammed shut, I turned to Wayne. "I never imagined it being like THIS! It must be HELL!"

"Rachel's just showing off," he replied dolefully. "Actually, she's a big help. Without her, I couldn't pass half my


While we talked, Wayne leafed through a modeling manuals. Then, opening his vanity, he removed a box of big plastic CURLERS!

"Page 64, aye?" I spat. I shook my head.

"Stop by tomorrow and see the damage," he said, spritzing gel on his hair. "The set'll be gone by school time Monday.'

"PASS!" But as he rolled long tufts of thickened hair, I got pissed. "Why put up with this? I'd run as far away as I could!"

"Maybe you, but NOT me! Between Dad dying and us going broke, it's not been fun. This is the only chance I've got, besides I can't leave Rachel and Mom holding the bag."

Wayne's decision scared me. I wondered what he'd look like after all this training. It was all too horrible to think about!

After he set his hair, we went to the kitchen and played Monopoly. It wasn't our first game, but it sure was the WEIRDEST!

Wayne, as usual, dominated play. I'd have done better if he wasn't wearing a pink bathrobe with his hair up in curlers!

"Who's winning?" Rachel asked. Still in her leotard, she wondered into the kitchen with her hands behind her back. Standing beside me, her ample leaned bosom tantalizingly close to my face.

"G...GUESS!" I huffed, pointing to my dwindling cash while fighting to keep my libido in check. "I'm about ready to fold."

"Don't quit!" Wayne insisted, placing another house on Park Place. "Who knows? Anything can happen in this game.

"Just like life," Rachel teased, handing her brother a small bottle. "I try for a modeling job and my brother ends up getting it!"


But before Wayne could defend himself, his sister barked, "I'll be back in an hour, sweetie. You'd BETTER be done by then!"

"She's still pissed, huh?" I shook my head. "Can you believe it? She's even ordering you to end our game!"

"Not exactly..." Anxiously biting his lip, he placed the bottle down. "I got to be done with THIS in an hour."

"NAIL POLISH! But you just took that stuff off!" "And now I'm putting it back on," he sighed in frustration. "Rita's coming tomorrow and if I'm not up on my lessons, she'll pull the plug...

"That's good?"

"No," he said, "Then we'll be paying big BUCKS!"

Awed, I watched him deftly glide sparkling enamel atop his fingernails like I'd seen my mother do a million times. A dainty skill he had mastered in just a few weeks. This shocked me.

Wagging his hands loosely in the air, Wayne impatiently awaited his nails to dry. "Thanks for rolling the dice for me, Ron I don't know why, but the second coat always takes longer."

"No sweat," I smiled, trying to ignore this feminine gestures. "Snake eyes...Go again...So...ah...What's your polish color?"

Grimacing, Wayne reluctantly displayed his hands. Yet he didn't curl his fingers back, like a guy, rather, like my Mom, he flashed his outstretched hand, palm side down!

"Mother of pearl white," he faltered as I stared at his glistening fingertips. "My sister's favorite. . .'


"At least it's not bright red!" I laughed in irony. "You got that going for you!"

"Some consolation! It's only a matter of time. . .I know that some of the uni-sex model wear pinks and sometimes even red.'


Bankrupt, I admitted defeat before Wayne was due for Rachel's inspection. This perked him up, but only for a fleeting


As he waived his sparkling nailed hand goodbye, I headed for home. Pouting sorrowfully, he appeared teetering on surrender.

I knew I had to help him. Yet, the more Wayne's dilemma racked my brain, the more I was a lose at how!